North-west Tasmanian farmers have the opportunity to learn about new technology at a research farm on Wednesday.
FIELD DAY: Elliott Farm will welcome visitors at its Smarter Farming Field Day. Picture: Supplied

The Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture’s Dairy Research Facility at Elliott will fling open the gates for its Smarter Farming Field Day.

TIA’s centre leader for livestock production James Hills said there were several projects currently happening.

He said the TestLab investment of $300,000 has benefitted the TIA farm.

Mr Hills said the technology installed as part of the Test Lab would be accessible during the open day.

“We are up and running with much of it and encourage our industry partners to join us at the field day to learn more and to dabble in the on-farm tech we have installed,” Mr Hills said.

Elliott’s farm manager Brad Millhouse, FarmPulse’s Richard Gardner and field experts will talk about new smart-farm technologies being tested or used in the industry.

Additionally, a partnership between the University of Tasmania and the Tasmanian government will funnel $7.7 million to TIA’s Elliott Dairy Research Facility.

The investment is expected to set up to test sustainable, manageable, accessible rural technologies on farm.

“The upgrades will enable TIA to continue to undertake valuable agricultural research, industry development and education programs to drive productivity and sustainability for the Tasmanian agricultural sector for the next decade,” Mr Hills said.

The Elliott Smarter Farming Field Day is on Wednesday, December 8. Ticket registrations at

The Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture’s Dairy Research Facility at Elliott will fling open the gates for its Smarter Farming Field Day.

TIA’s centre leader for livestock production James Hills said there were several projects currently happening.

He said the TestLab investment of $300,000 has benefitted the TIA farm.

Mr Hills said the technology installed as part of the Test Lab would be accessible during the open day.

“We are up and running with much of it and encourage our industry partners to join us at the field day to learn more and to dabble in the on-farm tech we have installed,” Mr Hills said.

Elliott’s farm manager Brad Millhouse, FarmPulse’s Richard Gardner and field experts will talk about new smart-farm technologies being tested or used in the industry.

Additionally, a partnership between the University of Tasmania and the Tasmanian government will funnel $7.7 million to TIA’s Elliott Dairy Research Facility.

The investment is expected to set up to test sustainable, manageable, accessible rural technologies on farm.

“The upgrades will enable TIA to continue to undertake valuable agricultural research, industry development and education programs to drive productivity and sustainability for the Tasmanian agricultural sector for the next decade,” Mr Hills said.

The Elliott Smarter Farming Field Day is on Wednesday, December 8. Ticket registrations at

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