Saputo and a range of smaller processors increased their farm gate milk offers during the week ending June 23.
Saputo lifts opening milk price

Saputo and a range of smaller processors increased their farm gate milk offers during the week ending June 23.

Saputo Dairy Australia (SDA) has offered suppliers a revised opening weighted average milk price of $9.15 to $9.30/kg of milk solids for exclusive supply in the 2023-24 season.

This is an increase of 17¢/kg of butterfat and 34¢/kg of protein.

The revised milk price for exclusive supply is available to suppliers in the Northern Victoria region, South-West Victoria and South Australia region, Gippsland region and Tasmania (including King Island).

Lactalis announced a lift in its farm gate milk price by $0.01/litre to $0.895/litre to suppliers in northern NSW and Queensland, while its farm gate price remains at $9.30/kg MS (flat) and $9.10/kg MS (seasonal) for its Victorian and Tasmanian suppliers.

Bulla increased its farm gate opening price by $0.20/kg MS to a range of $9/kg to $9.80/kg.

Under the dairy code, processors must offer suppliers a milk supply agreement which is subject to a 14-day cooling off period.

Retrospective price step-downs are not allowed.

Minimum prices for the approaching season are expected to be in place by June 30.

The price for the butter so essential to the pastries has shot up in recent months, by 25% since September alone, Delmontel says.

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