Not only representatives of the dairy industry will come to Białystok, but also experts and agricultural advisers from many countries. During the two days of the conference, they will discuss the most current topics related to dairy industry.
As part of the conference, they will discuss the condition of the Polish, European and global dairy industry and the challenges posed by the new EU perspective – especially the European Green Deal (achieving climate neutrality of the European Union countries by 2050) and the new Common Agricultural Policy (support from the European Union for farmers). IDCFs community will also consider how the COVID-19 pandemic will change the dairy market. 19th International Dairy Cooperatives Forum will also promote the cooperative model as optimal for the development of agriculture.
The old order of plentiful milk and ever expanding market access is no more.
From policy directions to geo-politics, it’s time to consider the road ahead of us all.
~Alice O’Donovan, Eucolait’s legal and policy adviser
The dairy sector is facing huge changes related to the implications of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, a pandemic, or European climate plans. What our industry is currently experiencing leads to a thesis – a crisis is coming and we need to prepare for it. That is why it is so important to start the discussion and action right now – in order to guarantee food security. 19th International Dairy Cooperatives Forum, which will host outstanding experts in September, will be an excellent opportunity for this.
Among the invited guests there will be: Pekka Pesonen – Copa Cogeca Secretary General, Alexander Anton – EDA Secretary General, Alice O’Donovan Eucolait’s legal and policy adviser, Jerzy Plewa – TeamEurope expert, former director general of DG Agri. Representatives of the American government – USDA, heads of the largest European organizations and unions of milk processors and producers, as well as agricultural advisers, e.g. from France, Germany, the Netherlands and many other countries.
International level, experts from all over the world, a huge dose of professional knowledge, a great atmosphere and a chance for development – this is the International Dairy Cooperatives Forum.
We cordially invite you to participate in the largest dairy industry conference in Central and Eastern Europe!
19th International Dairy Cooperatives Forum September 7th-8th in Białystok, Poland
Due to the limited number of places, we encourage you to decide to participate today.
Application form: www.forum-mleczarskie.org
Stay up to date and check out IDCF’s social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/forumspoldzielczoscimleczarska/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FSM__2022
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/international-dairy-cooperatives-forum-408397211/