Program Rescheduled to July 26 - 28, 2020

After careful consideration, ADPI/ABI has made the decision to postpone and reschedule the ADPI/ABI Joint Annual Conference originally slated for April 26-28, 2020. The new dates are: July 26 – 28, 2020 . The venue and location will remain the same, at the Hyatt Regency Downtown, in Chicago, IL, USA.

Our decision to postpone and reschedule this annual industry key event was not taken lightly. ADPI and ABI have been closely monitoring updates and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as state and local governments. In the last week, we’ve also learned of the increasing number of travel advisories and restrictions being placed on our members and meeting attendees in the U.S. and globally. Just yesterday, the Governor of Illinois (J.B. Pritzker) declared a disaster proclamation, following several other U.S. States in doing so.

The health, safety and well-being of our members, staff, exhibitors, sponsors, conference attendees and the industry we serve, is of paramount importance. We believe it is in the best interest of everyone to postpone and reschedule this conference to mitigate any potential risk related to travel and attendance.

This is a first for us as far as postponing/rescheduling this Annual Joint Conference. This Conference, known widely as “ Where The Dairy Industry Does Business ”® is eagerly awaited by all members, non-members, speakers and exhibitors from seasoned industry veterans to first time attendees. Hundreds of attendees have already registered and have been preparing their networking/meeting schedules. With that in mind, ADPI/ABI leadership and staff are hard at work to ensure a smooth transition from the April to the rescheduled July dates.

Also, as a reminder please note that any lodging reservation you made for the April event will also need to be changed or cancelled consistent with the hotel’s policies. A link to a dedicated page for booking rooms at the special negotiated room rates will be available by March 31 st . Prior to this date, we can not guarantee that that Hyatt Regency Downtown will have created a new room block for this event with the July dates.

This is a unique time for all of us, but ADPI and ABI members, and the dairy industry as a whole, have a long history of innovation and rising to meet whatever challenges come our way. Please know that ADPI and ABI are here for you and we will not waiver in our commitment to provide the resources, information and support you need to make this change in conference timing as seamless as possible. Please contact any ADPI staff with questions you may have.

Last, but certainly not least, a conference the size of the ADPI/ABI Joint Annual Conference is a full year in the making, and involves ADPI/ABI staff, and key support from our joint members and industry stakeholders, and all in close collaboration with our host venue and city.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making the new dates in July 2020 work within your schedules.

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