We are looking forward to a new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), that will be approved by the European Parliament in the days to come.
All who work on the current CAP proposal know that it has been an intense and constructive journey of three and a half years which has led to a comprehensive and future proof outcome.
The European Dairy Association (EDA), representing the European dairy processing industry, has been attentive to every single step of this process and has consistently been a reliable partner during substantial discussions about the current state of play of the CAP and its way forward.
During the last months we have been vocal, calling for an overarching deal and our comments have been taken into consideration in the overall process.
Among the three Regulations composing the CAP, the Common Markets Organization Regulation (CMO) is a key component of the agricultural sector and of great importance for dairy. Its implementation is essential for the competitiveness of the European dairy sector across our Union.
We are convinced that the deal reached on the CMO Regulation last June 2021 forms a reliable basis for the future of our sector.
In a time when sustainability is in the center of the discussions on the policymaking process, the new CAP creates the needed momentum and shows flexibility by delivering a policy model capable of mobilizing synergies to integrate the European agricultural sector fully into the European Green Deal ambitions.
The new CAP is set up to be a resilient and transforming policy in the European Union and will lead by example at global level.
The renewed CAP regulatory framework develops further its market management tools which have proven their efficiency in the past.
The new CAP national strategic plans and its eco-schemes will be instrumental when it comes to improved delivery on environmental, climate and animal welfare objectives.
The European lactosphère is fully committed to the European Green Deal objectives. As the Farm to Fork Strategy rightly points out, we will have to strengthen the resilience of our dairy supply chain. A chain that, across the three pillars of sustainability, successfully delivers excellent dairy quality for regional, European, and international markets in a competitive and market-oriented environment.
The European dairy sector will further strengthen its global leadership towards more sustainable agri-food practices.
The new CAP, with its innovative approach, gives the stability needed for our sector with its long-term investments.
We use this opportunity to express our gratitude to the Members of the European Parliament, that invested their time and energy over the past years as rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs for the three legislative texts of the new CAP: they delivered a transforming policy tailored for an evolving world!