Saputo and a range of smaller processors increased their farm gate milk offers during the week ending June 23.
Saputo lifts opening milk price

Saputo and a range of smaller processors increased their farm gate milk offers during the week ending June 23.

Saputo Dairy Australia (SDA) has offered suppliers a revised opening weighted average milk price of $9.15 to $9.30/kg of milk solids for exclusive supply in the 2023-24 season.

This is an increase of 17¢/kg of butterfat and 34¢/kg of protein.

The revised milk price for exclusive supply is available to suppliers in the Northern Victoria region, South-West Victoria and South Australia region, Gippsland region and Tasmania (including King Island).

Lactalis announced a lift in its farm gate milk price by $0.01/litre to $0.895/litre to suppliers in northern NSW and Queensland, while its farm gate price remains at $9.30/kg MS (flat) and $9.10/kg MS (seasonal) for its Victorian and Tasmanian suppliers.

Bulla increased its farm gate opening price by $0.20/kg MS to a range of $9/kg to $9.80/kg.

Under the dairy code, processors must offer suppliers a milk supply agreement which is subject to a 14-day cooling off period.

Retrospective price step-downs are not allowed.

Minimum prices for the approaching season are expected to be in place by June 30.

DemoDAIRY Foundation has now contributed more than $500,000 over the past six years to help develop a better future for the dairy industry in south-west Victoria.

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