The legacies of two Illinois dairy farms are being highlighted through annual awards presented by the Illinois Milk Producers Association.
Dairy producers recognized for service and sustainability efforts
Robert Miller and his family at the county fair.

Robert Miller of Orangeville has been named the Dairy Industry Service Award winner and Clint Harre and family of Wilra Farms in Nashville are the recipients of the Sustainability Award.

Service Award

The Dairy Industry Service Award recognizes an individual whodairy

has shown exemplary service and benefit to the Illinois dairy industry and Miller has embodied that definition over the past 90 years.

His journey started on a rural dairy farm in Quebec before making the move to Antioch, IL with his wife Kaye at the age of 22. His career lineup included several prestigious farms in the “Milkshed” of Chicago and promotions manager for the Northern Illinois Breeding Cooperative.

Miller also made a name photographing cattle and during his travels purchased a cow named Roxy who became an icon in the industry. Roxy went on to score EX 97, make 200,000 lbs. lifetime, was named Queen of the Breed twice, International Cow of the Century and had over 1500 Excellent female descendants in unbroken maternal line.

Roxy’s success sparked Miller’s interest to start MOM Ova Transfer with partners Russ Mauer and Doc Ostrander. By the early 1980s, they were pioneering new technologies in non-surgical embryo transfer that were instrumental to make it more practical and widely available. He was also active in the Holstein Association and created the Breeder’s Majority Group to promote a return to more balanced breeding.

“However, his (Bob’s) most lasting legacy will be in the many people across the dairy industry he has mentored, inspired and otherwise supported,” said Lorilee Schultz, who made the award nomination. “Bob is a born storyteller and always has time to share his knowledge and wisdom through an anecdote from his long career. He has hosted countless dairy judging teams at his farm over the years, and is an avid supporter of 4-H, FFA and Junior Holstein members.”

Miller told FarmWeek he is honored to receive the award. “Service starts at home and grows from that,” Miller said. “Being a good and helpful neighbor is always a rewarding endeavor. Being kind is its own reward, but like a mirror it will be reflected back to you in many different ways.”

Sustainability Award

The IMPA Sustainability Award recognizes an Illinois dairy farm or farmer who has made outstanding contributions toward innovative technologies and best management practices to improve environmental stewardship and economic viability, which is what Wilra Farms strives to do for both their family and their cows.

Founded in 1874, the fifth-generation family business is run by the Harre partners: Doug, Curt, Clint, Nick, Lucas and Matt Harre. They recently expanded their herd size to 550 thanks to the addition of a 44-cow Waikato rotary milking parlor which has also allowed them to reduce labor and increase efficiency.

Another recent addition to their facility is a freestall barn with the ability to control fan speeds, curtain movements and sprinkler times based on temperature and humidity, which has resulted in lower energy costs and increased milk production because of an improvement in cow comfort.

A three-stage lagoon system recycles water, sand and manure from the barn to be used for future flushes, bedding and crop nutrients. Wilra Farms has been able to use 100% recycled sand and still meet the highest milk quality standards set forth by their processor, Prairie Farms.

“When I think of sustainability, I think about maximizing resource efficiencies and managing in a way that promotes resilience,” Nick Harre told FarmWeek. “In the changing climate that we seem to be having, whether it is more resilient animals or more resilient crops, they can withstand some of the changing times better.”

“The Harre family continues to excel in producing quality dairy and building for the next generation,” said Charlie Hensley, who submitted the nomination. “The future of the Harre Family can best be described as exciting. Especially with the growth of technology and the capability that the family has to get the job done. Wilra Farms is truly setting an example for high quality dairy production.”

The awards will be presented during the Illinois Milk Producers Association’s annual meeting in Bloomington  Nov. 28.

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