The latest data tells us the region’s farmers are currently in a positive frame of mind regarding their farm business and the industry as a whole.
A great year in the great south-west
WestVic Dairy chair Brendan Rea.

It’s hard to believe it’s December already, but here we are.

Looking back at the past year, it’s great to see that many in south-west Victoria have had a productive and successful 12 months.

The latest data tells us the region’s farmers are currently in a positive frame of mind regarding their farm business and the industry as a whole.

Pleasingly, more than 90 per cent of farms in our region made a profit in the last financial year, and the 2022-23 Dairy Farm Monitor project report shows the average profit was the highest it has been in the 17 years of the project (accounting for inflation).

At WestVic Dairy, our mission is to advance the south-western Victorian dairy industry through engagement to promote innovation, skills and sustainability.

In pursuit of this goal, WestVic Dairy has refreshed its three-year strategic plan.

We are firmly committed to supporting farmers with a focus on the strategic priorities of: resilient dairy farms; attracting and developing great people for dairy; strategic, positive and proactive communication and engagement; and promoting a trusted and valued dairy industry.

The staff team continue to run lots of extension activities throughout the region, with the aim of better understanding and meeting farmers’ needs.

You can find out more about these events and workshops by checking out our website, subscribing to our fortnightly e-news or following us on social media.

An extension activity that I highly encourage everyone to attend is the Our Farm, Our Plan (OFOP) program.

OFOP is designed help you clarify your long-term goals and priorities and identify the actions you need to take to get there. Farmers who participate in OFOP always say that they wish that they had done it sooner.

The next OFOP program begins on Wednesday, December 13 in Simpson with farm consultant Fiona Smith.

Our WestVic Dairy Board is comprised of a good mix of people from across the region, all with a passion to see the industry advance.

After five years serving on the WestVic Dairy Board, it is a privilege for me to now lead WestVic Dairy as the newly appointed chair.

I sincerely thank Jacqui Suares for the tremendous work she has done in the role over the past two years.

We aim to be responsive to the needs of all levy payers and the dairy farming community and seek your engagement and input on directions of business.

We are open at any time to talk to any farmer, so please contact me or the other directors if you wish to raise any issues or concerns, or would like to bring any great ideas forward.

With the end of the year fast approaching, I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and new year with their friends and family.

Brendan Rea is the WestVic Dairy chair.

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