The format of the 2021 show will be altered, and will instead be a series of online events over a fortnight from 3 February to 17 February.
Organisers the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers (RABDF) said it had a ‘duty of care to protect its visitors’.
The online events will feature the Innovation and Dairy Hub, foot trimming demonstration, online workshops, webinars, conferences, new product briefings and debates.
International speakers will feature alongside UK experts, covering the latest dairy innovations and policy updates.
“We are not simply running Dairy-Tech Online because we feel we should. There is a genuine interest from both visitors and exhibitors for something to take place next year.
“With technology constantly developing we feel it is important to continue to provide a platform from which we can showcase the latest innovation as well as keeping the industry abreast with what is happening.”
He added: “While nothing can replace a face-to-face event like Dairy-Tech, Dairy-Tech Online still has lots to offer.”
Dairy-Tech is due to return to Stoneleigh, Warwickshire in 2022.