The Gardiner Dairy Foundation is offering grants of up to $5000 to not-for-profit groups to strengthen small Victorian dairy communities across the state.
Gardiner Dairy Foundation chief executive Clive Noble.

The Gardiner Dairy Foundation’s Working in Dairy Communities Small Grants Program, which is delivered through the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal, will provide a total of $120,000 in grant funding in 2021.

Since it began in 2002, more than $2 million has been successfully funded to 445 grants across the Victorian dairy community. On average every dollar invested by Gardiner Dairy Foundation receives additional leverage of $3.05 in cash or in-kind contributions.

Gardiner Dairy Foundation chief executive officer Clive Noble said it was important to support the wellbeing of Victorian dairy communities and their farming families.

“With better seasonal conditions in most regions, morale in dairy communities has improved over the past 12 months,” Dr Noble said.

“I’d like to encourage community leaders to take advantage of these grants, to leverage the money available with other inputs and to continue to improve and enrich their dairy communities.

“Strong and vibrant dairy communities are vital to a strong dairy industry and vice versa.”

Acting Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal chief executive officer Sarah Matthe said that the grants are designed to give dairy communities the boost they may need to make great things happen.

“Last year was tough for most rural communities, and Victorian dairy communities were no exception,” she said.

“We’ve seen from previous grant recipients that a small grant can open doors for further funding, and it will be great to visit some of last year’s grants recipients to see what kind of opportunities have grown from the funding, and how they have used the grants to help address the needs of their communities.

“We know that these communities are determined, inspiring and resilient and full of great ideas. That’s why the Gardiner grants are deliberately flexible – to allow local leaders to respond to what’s happening, and address the biggest priorities.

“In previous years, that’s been anything from community gardens to festivals, small infrastructure to training. I look forward to seeing what this year’s applications bring.”

Applications for the Working in Dairy Communities Small Grants Program opened on February 1 and close at 5pm on March 16.

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