Theresa Knight, Glen Cairn, sold a Droughtmaster bull for $2300. Darren Tillack, Woodlands, sold a line of Limousin cows and calves for $2700 and Charbray cows for $1910. Ashley and Nicole Martin, Summerholm, sold a line of 20-month-old Charbray steers for $2010 and milk-tooth heifers for $1660. Andrew Lerch, Laidley Heights, sold 18 to 20-month-old Limousin and Droughtmaster steers for $2100, $1970 and $1940.
Crosby Family Trust, Laidley, sold a line of quality Droughtmaster steers, seven months, for $1400. George Miller, Mt Whitestone, sold a Brahman bull for $2100. Barry and Eileen Prior, Rockmount, sold pens of Friesian steers for $1560, $1540 and $1490. Alan Muirhead, Mt Whitestone, sold pens of Charolais cross steers for $1860 and $1705.
Ken Maguire, Ingoldsby, sold Droughtmaster steers, 18 to 20 months, for $1830. Daniel Turner, Derrymore, sold a line of South Devon steers for $1700. Langara Holdings, Mulgowie, sold a line of Hereford cross steers for $1750. Leon Manteufel, Marburg, sold a pen of Droughtmaster weaner steers for $1500.
Dan Speedy, West Haldon, sold a line of Charolais weaners, 12 to 14 months, with steers selling for $1550 and heifers $1510. Paul and Delmai Anderson, Hampton, sold lines of six to eight-month-old Angus male calves for $1210 and $1040. Shawn and Andrea Liyou, Laidley, sold Brangus cross males, 15 to 16 months, for $1300.
Iain Hannah, Laidley, sold Droughtmaster steers for $1910, milk-tooth heifers for $1540 and males for $1300. Michalex Rural, Rockmount, sold seven to eight-month-old Limousin steers for $1120. Collins Grazing, Anduramba, sold Charbray store calves, with steers making $960 and heifers $960.
Joe McGinley, West Haldon, sold eight to 10-month-old Angus males for $1360 and $1160. Brisbane Valley Protein, Coominya, sold lines of light feeder heifers with Droughtmasters making $1450, Charbrays $1410 and Brafords $1300.