When Ken Ropp returned to the family farm in 2000, milk prices were at a then-all-time high and the prospect of him joining in the family dairy business was bright.
A Year in the Life of a Farmer Cheese cures dairy business roller-coaster
David Castillo (right) and Ken Ropp of Ropp Jersey Cheese hand out samples during the Illinois Product Expo at the state fairgrounds in Springfield. The Ropps diversified their multi-generational dairy farm when they began making cheese 19 years ago. (AgriNews photo/Tom C. Doran)

When Ken Ropp returned to the family farm in 2000, milk prices were at a then-all-time high and the prospect of him joining in the family dairy business was bright.

Six months later, milk prices were at record lows.

“Needless to say, with the number of cows and 450 acres for two families, it’s not going to happen, and it’s getting harder and harder for all of us. We had to do something to take that roller-coaster effect out of play,” Ropp said.

“Milking cows ‘eight days a week’ wasn’t enough. Let’s make some cheese on top of it.”

The family started making cheese in October 2006, and the Ropp Jersey Cheese retail store opened about a month later.

“Milking cows ‘eight days a week’ wasn’t enough.”

—  Ken Ropp, sixth-generation farmer, Ropp Jersey Cheese shop and dairy farm

Ropp is the sixth generation on the farm where he lives with his wife, Becky, and their daughter, Leah. His parents, Ray and Carol Ropp, are still on the farm, as well.

On the dairy side, the Ropps milk 58 Jerseys that produces Ropp Jersey Cheese products.

The farm is interconnected with a rotation of about 200 acres of corn, 200 acres of soybeans and 50 acres of alfalfa. The crops are used as feed for the dairy cows.

The family’s ties to Jerseys and dairy go back multiple generations.

Ray joined the family dairy business with his father, Clarence, and brother, Gordie, in 1967 after returning home from the Army. That same year, they built a 96-stanchion barn with a parlor that could accommodate milking 12 cows at one time.

In 1983, Ray bought his father’s and brother’s share of the business.

After graduating from the University of Illinois in 1993, Ken spent seven years in sales before coming home to the farm.

Quick Start

The move into the cheese business turned into quick success, and it started just at the cusp of growth in the local food movement.

“It took off right away and we weren’t ready for the outpouring that we had,” Ropp noted.

“That’s one thing we’re fortunate about is we got in before local foods was a buzzword. The buzzwords at the time were organics and things like that.

“I think one of the neatest parts for me to see are people like Marcoot Jersey Creamery in Greenville, or Michael Turley’s Rolling Lawn Farms in Greenville, or Kilgus Farmstead in Fairbury, family farms that are doing the same kind of thing now, whether they’re making cheese or bottling milk or making ice cream. It’s neat to see.

“Does that mean we’re all having a great time doing it? Well, these last few years have been tricky.”

There was even greater focus on locally grown food during the 2020 pandemic.

“I think the most important part of what we learned through COVID for those of us who’ve been able to hold on at least this far is the fact that your customers want to meet the producer. They want to know how that animal is being taken care of, what kind of ingredients go into the cheese,” Ropp said.

“It’s kind of a love story in the fact that they want to come out and visit. Now does that mean they’re going to keep making that a destination? Not necessarily, but they can find our products on their store shelves.”

The Ropps have always strived to be transparent in their milk and cheese production.

“Sometimes, we’re a little too transparent, but that’s life,” Ropp chuckled.

“I think that COVID really forced our hands. I don’t mind the sales part of this job at all. I love it. The problem is trying to be on 24/7. It makes life a little tricky and I think COVID may have shifted a little bit the dynamic of sales.”

Product Expo

The Illinois Department of Agriculture kicked off this year’s Illinois-produced product events with its 26th annual Illinois Product Expo March 1-2 at the state fairgrounds’ Orr Building featuring over 70 vendors from throughout the state.

This marked the 19th year Ropp Jersey Cheese had a booth at the expo that draws thousands of visitors each year.

“It’s always fun. This is our one chance a year to see other vendors that we normally see at this expo, but this is really to kick off the season,” Ropp said.

“We provide samples. With the amount of varieties that we make, we have to narrow the samples down to what I call the heavy hitters. I’ll bring a half dozen different blocks here, a couple of our curds and a couple of our spreads.

“It’s kind of a carnival atmosphere. The line gets to be anywhere from 15 to 30 people deep and we try and to keep it moving. I’ll sell the blocks or curd spread. It’s one for $7 or you can mix and match of five for $30. That way it kind of like getting the fifth one free. People don’t have to make a choice that way, but they’re more than welcome to sample whatever they want to try.”

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