There are two board positions open to dairy farmers and there are six candidates. The six candidates are Heath Cook and Colin Thompson from NSW, Ben Bennett, Daryl Hoey and John Versteden from Victoria and Robert Brokenshire from SA. It will be a hotly contested election with so many candidates for two positions. This is a very positive sign and shows the strong interest in ADF, the varied positions of candidates and the desire for change by many.
In addition, there is one independent director position available. There is no election for the independent director position but instead one candidate has been recommended by the board for support or otherwise from ADF members. The recommended candidate is Andreas Clark from SA, who has extensive wine industry experience but no experience in the dairy industry.
The two board members who are currently on the board and will remain after the AGM are Brian Tessmann from Queensland and Rick Gladigau from SA.
Even though there are no Queensland farmers standing for election, it is still extremely important that all Queensland ADF members exercise their democratic right and vote in this election. With the majority of the board positions vacant and so many candidates standing, it is likely that the candidates will have very different views on the future of the dairy industry and what ADF should do. The best way dairy farmers can shape the future of their industry is to voice their democratic right by voting.