“Our initial goal was to reach 75 classrooms or about 1,500 students,” said Karen Doster, DFW director of youth and school programs. “But so many schools and educators were interested in learning the real story of where dairy comes from, the program expanded to reach 1,640 classrooms and more than 28,000 students.”
A press release said the intent of the program was to build a bridge of trust and grow appreciation for Wisconsin dairy farmers. Through virtual “visits” to the farm, each classroom learned what life on a dairy farm is like as well as how milk is produced and how animals are taken care of.
Synergy Family Dairy in Pulaski, Roden Echo Valley Farm near West Bend and Creamery Creek Holsteins of Bangor were the first Wisconsin dairy farms to participate in the program. Their calves Sweetie, Cookie, Ruby, Jemma, Petunia, Penny, Peanut, Sharlamagne, Seroogy and Dorito were all adopted by the classrooms.