Everyone seems to have left with their kids on spring break. No news of note to push the markets in either direction. The CME spot trade had butter unchanged at 1.71, Cheddar blocks unchanged at 1.80, Barrels fell 2 ¾ cents to $1.51 1/2 /lb. The block barrel spread sits at 28 ½ cents.
Grade A Non Fat Dry Milk fell a quarter of a cent to $1.17/lb and Dry whey broke through $0.60/lb, gaining ¾ o fa cent to $0.60 1/2/lb.
Class III milk was unchanged in March at $16.35, April fell 1 cent to $17.41, and May fell 12 cents to $17.03/cwt.
Class IV milk was unchanaged nearby but fell in the summer and fall contracts. March held at $14.36, April at $15.07, and May at $15.45. The balance of 2021 was 1-13 cents lower with an average at $16.55/cwt.
Grain and Feed also seemed to take a nap on Wednesday. Corn gained 3 ¾ cents in Mar to 5.58 but new crop contracts fell 2 ¼ cents with December at 4.75 ½. Soybeans fell 5 ½ cents to 14.17 3/4 with Soybean meal falling $1.20 to $404.90/ton.