Cheese and whey also experienced varied results in September.
Argentina’s production ramps up while exports still linger
While September and August production increased, production declines in June and July have followed through into exports, with September’s exports reporting a decline.

Argentina’s September milk production increased 0.3% YoY, continuing recent trends. YTD this brings Argentina’s production up by 0.7%, and from August, the figure sits 4.4% higher. Processing has declined with August’s figures showing a decline of 5.9%. This is on top of the decline of milk processing into whole milk powder (WMP), which has declined 18.8% YoY.

The domestic milk price continues to increase with the current milk price sitting at AR$771.17/kg MS, despite the increase of nearly AR$30/kg MS, the strength of the USD has the figure declining 10c/kg MS when converted into USD, at US$4.89/kg MS.

While September and August production increased, production declines in June and July have followed through into exports, with September’s exports reporting a decline. Total dairy exports out of Argentina in September, declined by 5% YoY; however, strong exports earlier in the year have the nation sitting up by 8% YTD. From a value perspective, total dairy exports increased 11%.

Milk powders had mixed results with WMP reporting a decline of 10% YoY, while SMP reported a significant increase of 56% YoY. North Africa drove the WMP declines with a decline of 62% YoY, while South America drove SMP increases, up 134% YoY.

Cheese and whey also experienced varied results in September, with cheese increasing 4% YoY, while whey declined 22% YoY. South America increased their purchases of both of these commodities, up 20% and 23% YoY respectively.

From a value perspective, SMP had the largest gain, up 103% YoY.

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