The Australian Dairy Conference has sent a bright reminder to dairy farmers who might be missing the event, which was to have been held this month.
BRIGHT: Australian Dairy Conference president Ben Geard with son Spencer, aged 4 and family dog Ellie.

ADC is normally held in the third week in February, but had to be cancelled this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

ADC, which is run by a group of volunteer farmers, has sent bright orange sunglasses and a stubby holder out to those who have attended in the past.

The message is to get social, spread the word about the conference and be in the running to win a free pass to next year’s event.

“Such is our new way of life at present with lockdowns, border restrictions and COVID safe practices that our usual run of events has been put on the back burner in 2021,” organisers said.

“But rather than sulk in the corner we thought we would sprinkle some vibrant ADC orange and love across the country to cheer you up and remember where you would rather be.”

To win a free pass to next year’s event, farmers just need to take a snap with their new ADC sunnies and stubby holder, post the image to one of our ADC social media channels, tag a dairy friend or colleague and say in a few words why they value ADC.

ADC president and Tasmanian dairy farmer Ben Geard said while circumstances this year prevent the occurrence of a formal gathering there were no restrictions on sprinkling a bit of ADC across the country.

“One of the things most farmers look forward to at ADC is catching up with other farmers,” he said.

“And whilst we were excited to host you all here in Hobart we thought instead we would reach out and provide some fun for farmers to engage with each other from afar.

“I’m looking forward to seeing some of the creativity amongst our ADC farmer delegates and these orange sunnies on some of our ADC personalities.

“I’m not sure how cool I look but at least the kids and dog can take some attention off me”.

Next year’s conference will be held in February in Hobart.

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