The meetings were held in Wondai, Kandanga, Maleny, Beaudesert, Plainlands, Allora, Toowoomba and Pinelands.
Another Dairy Resilience Dinner is to be held in Malanda at The Top Rail (Old RSL) on Thursday, April 21. RSVP to 0437 923 398.
The events were a huge success with attendance reaching over 160 people. A big thank you to all our farmers who supported the events. I also need to thank the DAF Dairy team and the eastAUSmilk team for their support that made it possible.
When all types of social, sporting, community and industry events were being cancelled due to flooding it made me convinced that Dairy Resilience Dinners were needed now more than ever.
Feedback received has been positive with most saying the dinner was a great opportunity to get off farm for a couple of hours and check in on how friends were coping. The general sentiment is that we should have more of these events for the dairy industry.
Discussions focused on the flood impacts on farm and the various assistance available for primary producers to help their businesses with flood recovery as well as touching on the new drought assistance suite.
It was fantastic to have representatives from QRIDA, Rural Aid and the DAF Dairy team in attendance to support the discussions.
The Farm Business Resilience Program is co-funded through the Australian government’s Future Drought Fund and the Queensland government’s Drought and Climate Adaptation Program (DCAP).