“We had great hopes the expo was going to be the perfect launching pad into the area for Finn Biogas, as our waste-to-resources and waste-to-energy products and services have great potential for the dairy farming industry,” Finn Biogas managing director Jason Hawley said.
“Biogas plants are a great a way for producers and farmers to generate energy on-site utilising their organic waste.
“The energy produced can be utilised as baseload or peak power supply behind the meter, without the need for costly electrical infrastructure upgrades.”
Mr Hawley said biogas plants were one of the only sources of renewable energy which could cost-effectively provide baseload power to offset grid demand, without the need for costly battery storage.
Finn Biogas plants are based on anaerobic digestion — a reliable, robust and effective solution, proven to reduce odour emissions, nutrient run-off and on-site energy costs.
“A well-designed and operated biogas plant will provide effective on-site waste stabilisation, and also help to meet compliance needs of a planning application process,” Mr Hawley said.
“That’s why we are so keen to bring our knowledge and services to the farmers and producers of the Gippsland area — there is huge potential to reduce energy costs and pre-emptively manage planning applications and discussions with regulators.
“By choosing to install an AD Biogas plant on your site, both the environment and your neighbours will thank you for it.”
He said Finn Biogas was looking forward to attending next year’s expo and in the meantime would be running a free webinar on September 27.
“We realise a webinar is not quite the same as a chat in person, but we hope this will be an effective way to provide information to the community.
“Our thoughts are also with the Lions Club of Strzelecki who had put so much work into the South Gippsland Dairy Expo.”