Ms Tereza Cristina, the Brazilian minister for agriculture wants better technical assistance for farmers, less taxes for imported equipment and a special insurance policy for the dairy sector.
Using milk per hour is a good indication of how you are performing, financially and physically.

The Brazilian government seems to move forward in supporting the Brazilian dairy farmers. New standards for production have come into force in May and the minister of agriculture wants to develop a plan to promote dairy sector modernisation. Ms Cristina has been appointed as the new agricultural minister in January of this year. In her role as new minister of agriculture and livestock and supply, former Congresswoman Tereza Cristina will focus on conquering new markets, boosting efficiency, increasing production and rising food security while ensuring that Brazilians players are producing increasingly more sustainable.

Ms Tereza Cristina, the Brazilian minister for agriculture want to promote the Brazilian dairy sector. Photo: Daniel Azevedo

Ms Tereza Cristina, the Brazilian minister for agriculture want to promote the Brazilian dairy sector. Photo: Daniel Azevedo

Low milk efficiency

Currently, Brazil has 900,000 dairy farmers. The country has around 20 million cows that together produce around 36 billion litres per year. But the efficiency of production is low. While the US achieves over 10,000 of litres per cow annually, Brazil only gets 2,000. “This is why the government has developed a plan,” says Ms Cristina. The plan aims for better technical assistance for farmers, less taxes for imported equipment, better export possibilities and a special insurance policy for the dairy sector.


Daniel Azevedo

Freelance journalist Brazil

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