Brown Family Dairy has produced and processed milk for over 13 years. Their dairy products have been widely adored by their customers since the beginning.
“We have met some wonderful people through this season of our lives,” the post said. “We have customers that turned into family. We got to raise our children to know the meaning of responsibilities, hard work, disappointments, and achievements.”
Chicory Market posted a message on Instagram, detailing the impact Brown Family Dairy has had on the local food system.
“There was a time when all our dairy cooler had was Brown’s milk,” the post said. “Our kids, like many other kids in this part of the state, were raised on it.”
Brown Family Butcher Store will remain open, supplying fresh local beef and pork products.
“You, our customers, have been wonderful and supportive,” said Brown Family Dairy. “We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Don’t worry about us. We have had a while to make this decision and have peace with it.”