Accountants based in regional areas are getting mental health first aid training to help them work with clients whose financial pressures are causing emotional distress.
Accountants say they often work with farmers whose financial struggles are affecting their mental health. (Supplied: Zara King)

Key points:
Accountants practising in rural areas are often the first to notice farmers’ mental health struggles
Chartered accountants say their experience shows a clear link between financial distress and mental health issues
The mental health first aid training is designed to help connect those in distress with the right people, and not do any harm
The training is proving particularly helpful to those who find themselves confidants to farmers and graziers struggling with drought and other issues.
Central Queensland accountant Andy Freeman took up the Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand’s (CA ANZ’s) offer of mental health first aid training after regularly being put to the test.
“We see our clients in their most difficult times; I have to wear many hats,” Mr Freeman said.
“Particularly through the periods of drought, we see clients at the ragged edge of their financial situations.
“For example, we’ve been doing some succession planning for a family group, with two sons and the father wanting to pass on the property.
“Through the process of discussing what was going to happen it became apparent that one of the sons was suffering from some mental health issues around depression and anxiety.
“We’ve had to delay the succession planning discussions, while he has spent some time with a counsellor seeking some support, so that he is ready and able to be properly engaged in those decisions.”
Mr Freeman said he did not anticipate that he would be offering as much emotional support as he did in his accountancy business.
“We strive to be trusted advisers and being here in a rural town … [I have] a different sort of relationship than I experienced when I was working in the UK or in Brisbane because you are the one point of contact for a broader range of queries and life experiences,” he said.
Catherine Kennedy from CA ANZ said Mr Freeman was not alone in his experiences.
“The very clear message that we’ve had from our members, particularly in regional and rural areas, is that there’s a clear link between financial distress and mental health issues,” she explained.
“It doesn’t matter whether it’s in drought-affected areas or areas where the dairy farmers are having challenges … [our members] are seeing people in financial distress and they’re often the first port of call for those people.
“They say that their clients won’t go to the doctor but they have to talk to their accountant.
“We are very clear that accountants aren’t psychologists and they’re not expected to give counselling, but they need guidance on how to have these conversations and not do any harm.”
The importance of ‘accidental counsellors’
Having someone who knows what to do when faced with that situation is critical, according to former dairy farmer Warren Davies who travels the country sharing his struggles with mental health hoping to help others.
Mr Davies, who is known as the Unbreakable Farmer, decided to leave his farm when his mental health spiralled to dangerous lows.
He said he was glad to hear accountants were being upskilled.
“I talk about the accidental counsellor and it doesn’t necessarily have to be a professional service provider — it can be anybody,” he said.
“People will bare their soul to you, share a bit of their journey and sometimes that can be confronting and so to have that training, especially around mental health first aid, is really important.”
Beyond Blue targeting all small business owners
Beyond Blue is about to launch a set of guidelines for those working with all small business owners — not just those on the land.
The organisation’s Patrice O’Brien said it had been especially devised for accountants, bookkeepers, mentors, and anyone else who had contact with business owners.
“All those people who interact directly with small business owners who might be struggling,” she said.
“The kind of things that we cover in it is just a little bit about understanding mental health and wellbeing and a little bit about picking up on signs that might tell you that someone’s not coping very well.
“And then a little bit about the types of resources and the places that you can point someone to if you are worried about them.”
The guidelines will be available on the Beyond Blue website from early September.

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