After floundering for weeks below $1.90/lb Cheddar Blocks catapulted higher, gaining 9 cents to $1.85/lb and Barrels followed along, gaining 6 cents to $1.93 1/2/lb. Butter also had a good day as it moves to levels we have not visited since September of 2015! Butter gained 2 ¾ cents to $3.14 3/4/lb.
Dry powders were much quieter. Dry Whey held unchanged at $0.45/lb with Grade A Non Fat Dry milk giving back ¾ of a cent to be the only red on the spot trade at $1.53/lb.
Class IV milk finished up it’s strong move Tuesday with small moves nearby and big gains in 2023. September held unchanged at $24.12, October gained 4 cents to $24.14 and November was 8 higher at $23.45. Jan – March 2023 gained 16-46 cents to average at $22 even.
Class III milk saw nice gains with September up 17 to $19.84, October jumping 25 to $20.34, and November up 15 to $20.85/cwt.
With Ever.ag this is Jenny Wackershauser for Know your markets.