The way things are going, if we allow it, drinking milk and eating meat will be in the future a privilege of a few. The fundamentalists of agroecology, the Taliban of climate change and those who insist based on any invention that meat and milk are unhealthy, are a bizarre love triangle that can only end very badly.
If we allow it, drinking milk and eating meat will be in the future a privilege of a few.
If we allow it, drinking milk and eating meat will be in the future a privilege of a few.

Despite the precedent in Sri Lanka, and the farmers’ demonstrations in Europe, the 2030 agenda is advancing blindly, especially where it has already settled comfortably, which is in the heads of people who do not give much thought to where the food that sustains them alive comes from.

We are all very concerned about carbon emissions, especially from livestock, because I have not heard a peep about fossil fuel emissions.

The ‘burp tax’ in New Zealand is already priced in, even though it is tried and tested that it is not the methane emitted by livestock that warms the planet, and it is the fossil fuel, which does not belong to any cycle and stacks up in the atmosphere for a thousand years. In a calculation where it is assumed that a dairy farm of 330 hectares would emit 2,600 kg of methane per hectare per year, it was priced at 0.067 euros per kg. This emission of 780,000 kg would cost the farm more than €52,000 in levies.

Total dairy production would fall by 1.4% and meat production by 0.1% and if the configuration of the system for levy calculations does not adequately consider the risks to farmer profitability and international competitiveness, it could have significant impacts on the viability of New Zealand agriculture.

While Germany authorizes the reactivation of 16 coal-fired power plants, the right to produce food that is fundamental for proper nutrition, cognitive development and health maintenance, such as milk and meat, is constantly under attack by crazy environmental policies, confiscatory taxes and a shrinking social license caused by tons of malicious misinformation.

The industry, for its part, shoots itself in the foot, playing tricks of perception on its consumers or altering the purity of its products, without putting anyone’s health at risk, but further deteriorating the credibility of its sector and helping to reinforce the enemy’s discourse.

In the degradation of science, the denigration of knowledge, the cult of ignorance and the false morality of protecting who knows what, there is someone who comes out to say that the farmer is nobody special, and that a man who goes to a port to carry bags, or performs his task sitting in an office for 12 hours, or crosses an entire city to get to his workplace has the same value. And here it is not about who has more value, it is about the fact that nobody questions anything to that worker, and it is perfect that this is so. However, the farmer is a permanent target of ridiculous environmental policies that are not contrasted with the truth and taxes that prevent him from investing in improving the performance of his production, of rules that change like the wind in a business that needs long-term planning, especially in dairy farming. It is not free, of course it is their business, but the farmer feeds the world, literally. Please respect.

It made news this week that there is a controversy brewing in anthropology departments, where professors have asked researchers to stop identifying ancient human remains by biological gender because they cannot measure how a person was identified at the time. The ideologization of science pushes us into absurdity with a kick in the back of the head, rather than being roundly rejected. Biology is subservient to ideology. The delirium is total.

Aldous Huxley wrote “Brave New World” in 1932, in which he describes a dystopian society that functions as a dictatorship without the citizens noticing it. Everyone is genetically conditioned and enjoys unhindered sex and drugs, unaware of their lack of freedom. A visionary?

War is also that, degrading humanity, idiotizing it with rights bordering on barbarism, and denying us the most important thing: the right to feed ourselves properly, the freedom to choose, to express our potential, to develop our capabilities and defend our integrity. Either we rise up or we are extinguished. Villains do exist and they are not bombastic and outlandish, they are true monsters dressed up as kindness and philanthropy.

The dystopian society, as described by Huxley, applauds in amazement the “advances of humanity”, which does nothing but move in frank regression over all its evolution. Ignorance and supposition are worshipped. Science has lost its value. It is frustrating, but I choose hope. Not the passive hope of dreaming of a future that will bring us a neo-enlightenment, but an active hope that consists of taking action to put a stop to barbarism.

A few years ago, I believed that this degradation was proper to my country, that I had nothing more to do in it, and I wanted to emigrate. In the search for a new destiny, I looked outside and I could see that this cultural involution is not local, but a global trend, and I understood that it was not by leaving where I was that I would find the chimera of living in a “normal place” where reason prevails.

Someone told me that it was okay to leave if I wanted to, but that if I chose to stay, I had to do something to change what was driving me out. Neither he nor I knew it at the time, but he gave me a purpose. In the words of Mother Teresa of Calcutta “I alone cannot change the world, but I can throw a stone in the water and generate many ripples.”

That water turned out to be milk, and my stone is this space from which every Friday I can leave a ripple of truth in the universe, so that whoever wants to learn can know why consuming dairy products is good, and how producing them is a noble task that is full of love and work, that taking care of nature and attending to animal welfare, provides us with the most perfect food ever created.

Have you had your glass of milk today? What are you waiting for?


Valeria Guzman Hamann




Eleven weeks into the season, dairy processors haven’t budged on farmgate prices. So how is it impacting drought-hit farmers?

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