That the climate is changing is beyond dispute. What we question is the consensus of scientific opinion that the causes are predominantly anthropogenic.
Climate change is a complex process involving many interrelated factors unrelated to mankind, such as volcanic eruptions and variations in solar radiation. Man’s activity on earth is one more, with which it is not wrong for us to become involved and committed, but it is wrong for us to blindly immolate ourselves in its name.
They may call us naysayers, but freedom is also defended not by buying closed packages that take away the possibility of thinking, analyzing and drawing conclusions.

The villains who want to dominate the world do exist, and they are not Pinky and Cerebro. Let us learn to think, and reclaim the possibility of doing so, or let innocence count for us!
The truth is that measures taken because of climate change make food scarce and expensive. We saw it in Sri Lanka and now in Britain.
Afraid, hungry, and feeling unworthy to exist and fend for himself, man is increasingly manageable.
A million business opportunities open up with the climate change argument
They design diseases to suit us, discredit the production and consumption of basic foodstuffs and make us more and more dependent.
Companies and corporations involved in the production and sale of green technologies, renewable energies and adaptation systems are in luck, as are insurance companies that can sell policies to protect against the risks of climate change, not to mention companies that ultra-process superfoods that fit right in with the new, “sustainable” and spontaneous? food fads: the commercial opportunities are endless… and they are a collateral damage bomb.
The marketing tools that generate new needs to sell new products are debatable but valid, what is unacceptable is the global submission to impoverishment policies that take us back to the middle east.
It is important that the scientific community be independent and objective, not influenced by spurious interests; that it be guided by the search for truth and understanding of the world, and not by economic or political incentives; and that its results be communicated clearly and objectively to society.
Ultimately, addressing climate change requires the cooperation and action of all stakeholders, including science, politics, industry and society at large, but progress, human dignity and the right to produce under reasonable circumstances and not rigged by ideological whims created by the real villains cannot be overlooked.