PAOLI ‒ Each year about this time, a group of 10 to 15 dairy farmers gets together at the Montrose Town Hall in Paoli (southern Dane County) to hash over issues facing their farms and their futures.

The farmer who organizes the gathering – and brings the pizzas – calls it Paoli University. Members fondly call it PU.

Last week the farmers gathered to hear Pete Hardin, publisher and editor of the dairy newspaper The Milkweed. Agriculture is the most complex industry in the country, he said, and after decades of writing about it he believes that, “dairy is the most complex industry in American agriculture.”

“The number of issues facing us in the dairy industry is flat-out jaw-dropping,” he added.

Hardin said that a day earlier he had attended the UW-Madison’s Agricultural Outlook Forum and heard the presentation of retired dairy policy analyst Dr. Mark Stephenson, who after analyzing the various economic aspects of the dairy industry predicted that the All-Milk Price for 2023 will likely be $4.50 to $5 per hundredweight lower than last year.

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