Dairy Australia's annual general meeting will be held online this year due to COVID-19 restrictions.
BOARD CONTEST: A field of six candidates will contest the Dairy Australia board elections this year.

The meeting will be held on Friday, November 27, via a virtual platform.

Dairy Australia says the online format is a first and will enable more dairy farmers across Australia to be part of the AGM.

Last year the AGM was held at Lardner Park in Gippsland, the first time in its history it was held outside of Melbourne.

All three vacancies on Dairy Australia’s board will be contested at this year’s AGM.

The AGM will provide participants with an update on Dairy Australia’s key programs and investments.

It will also provide the opportunity for members to ask questions of directors.

The AGM is open to Dairy Australia members.

All levy payers are able to become members and have a say in the direction of the organisation, including the election of directors.

Membership is voluntary and free for licensed Australian dairy farm businesses – but levy payers do not automatically become members, due to restrictions in the Corporations Act.

To join levy payers can complete the online membership form, email membership@dairyaustralia.com.au or phone 1800 004 377.

To participate in the AGM, new memberships must be received by October 23.

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