Processor Initiatives. The groups would like to see a loan program to provide processors with access to more working capitol. The program would only cover FMMO component costs and would not cover packaging etc. They would also like to see a forgivable loan program for processors similar to the SBA loan program.
Consumer Initiatives. The proposal includes large purchases of dairy products by USDA to be distributed directly to food banks. It also calls for limitations on programs like WIC to be lifted which would allow those consumers to purchase a wider variety of dairy products. The groups would also like to see USDA improve existing nutritional programs including the Supplemental Nutrition Program to address food security and boost retail dairy sales.
“Our main problem is clear: We estimate that supply exceeds demand by at least 10% – a gap that could widen as supply increases to its seasonal peak and as “shelter in place” conditions endure,” says Michael Dykes CEO of IDFA. “The Milk Crisis Plan for USDA presents our objectives to support U.S. dairy through this crisis, beginning with an urgent plea: Use as many tools as possible – as quickly as possible – to bridge the supply/demand gap without any longer term market repercussions.”
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