Dairy Days - Specialists to host meetings that cover dairy herd management strategies.
Dairy Days
Dairy Days to Feature Profitable Dairy Practices

Iowa dairy producers have the opportunity to learn about emerging dairy industry issues during the 2023 Dairy Days events hosted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. The program will be held at four eastern Iowa locations and one northwest Iowa location in January.

Dairy Days will be offered Jan. 17 in Elma at Innovative Ag Service, Jan. 19 in Elkader at Johnson’s Restaurant, Jan. 24 in Kalona at the Kalona Chamber of Commerce, Jan. 26 in New Vienna at the New Vienna Community Center, and Jan. 31 in Sioux Center at the Dordt College-Stewardship Center.

Dairy cow at gate.

Topics and presenters (named presenters are dairy specialists with ISU Extension and Outreach):

“With nearly 25% of a dairy’s production costs associated with raising heifer replacements, optimizing growth and health is important to every dairy operation,” said Jenn Bentley, dairy specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach in northeast Iowa. “We anticipate great discussion and learning during this year’s Dairy Days with a focus on heifer management.”

Registration details

Check-in for all events starts at 9:45 a.m. and the program will conclude by 2:30 p.m. A $15 registration fee covers the noon meal and proceedings costs. Vouchers for the event may be available through your local agri-service providers or veterinarians. Students may attend at no cost.

Pre-registration is requested by the Friday before each event to reserve a meal. Register online at https://go.iastate.edu/2023DAIRYDAYS.

Jennifer Bentley can be reached at jbentley@iastate.edu or 563-382-2949; Larry Tranel is available at tranel@iastate.edu or 563-583-6496; and Fred Hall is available at fredhall@iastate.edu or 712-737-4230.

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