While critics of the supply management system have been focussed on issues such as dumping over quota milk, the real challenge is in accessing markets and processing capacity.
Things remained relatively stable when it comes to the new MWSDP board, with Logan Emiry being a new addition to the table. The 2023 executive elected during the annual meeting include: chair John Mooney, vice-chair Alex Anstice, secretary-treasurer Dorothy Anstice and members Alan Emiry and Logan Emiry.
This year’s recipients of Milk Quality Awards included a gold certificate for Brad and Bud Wilkin of Little Current and general certificates for Oshadenah Holsteins (Tehkummah’s Anstice family), Massey’s Jonella Farms (Mooney family), Emiry Farms (Alan Emiry family) and Borealis Dairy Farm (Keith Emiry family).
“Of the seven dairy producers in the district, five have received Milk Quality Awards,” noted Mr. Seguin. “That’s pretty good.”
A new farm show will be coming to the Massey area this fall, to be officially announced at the Annual Northern Ontario Agriculture Conference on Wednesday, February 15. “We are pretty excited about this,” said Keith Emiry, who noted that there will be a lot to see and experience for those interested in agriculture in Northern Ontario.
In other interesting announcements, dairy farming stalwart Carlton Mackinnon ‘Mack’ Emiry will be inducted into the Agricultural Hall of Fame this year. Mr. Emiry was nominated for the honour by the Manitoulin North Shore Federation of Agriculture.