Mike North with ever.ag tells Brownfield many dairy producers cannot idle their land for a long time. “I don’t see dairymen putting ground into CRP because they not only need it for feed, they need it for manure, and in the areas where dairymen are raising their feed, that is just something that comes with the business they’re in. They’re going to need that ground.”
North tells Brownfield the geography would also influence which farmers sign up for Continuous CRP. “You know, the deep topsoil regions of Illinois, Iowa, and Indiana. You’re not going to see it happen in a lot of those places, but when you start getting into a little more rolling ground, places that are more peripheral to the traditional corn belt, that’s where you’re going to see some of these considerations made.”
North says some of his clients were considering Continuous CRP signup. All 2021 CRP signup are now closed except for the continuous program.
North spoke to Brownfield during World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin.