South Dakota and Nebraska accomplished on an annual joint trip to Washington, D.C. on March 6-7. The purpose of the trip was to build relationships, advocate for legislation on behalf of dairy farmers and ensure proper implementation of federal government programs.
Dairy farmers met with Senate Ag Committee staff, Farm Service Agency, congressmen/women, senators and more. The top issues discussed included Farm Bill implementation, trade, whole milk in schools, and workforce development, labor and immigration.
“We spent two days discussing our current issues in dairy and agriculture,” said Bill Thiele, a Nebraska Dairy Farmer. “It was a very enjoyable experience and the representatives were receptive. It was great to bring a unified voice to Washington on behalf of dairy farmers across the Midwest.”
Dairy farmers in attendance included Robert Horst and Lee Maassen, Iowa; Bob & Kelsey Larson and Bill Thele, Nebraska; and Marv Post, South Dakota.