The negotiations for the agricultural agreement that Minister Piet Adema would like to present are rumbling. Dairy farmers of the Dutch Dairymen Board (DDB) immediately left the consultation. According to DDB, the government has not succeeded in restoring confidence among its members.
Dairy farmers turn their back on agricultural agreement talks

This is stated in a press release by the dairy farmers’ organization DDB. Dutch Dairymen Board is one of the organizations for dairy farmers, next to the Dutch Dairy Farmers Union and LTO Nederland. DDB stops with the so-called Dairy Farming and Veal Farming sector table.

Lose farmland

According to DDB chairman Sieta Keimpema, the government demands a lot but offers too little. For example, it is expected that a large part of the land that the sector still uses will soon be lost to nature and other tasks. The DDB also does not believe that there would be no government budget for the implementation of an agricultural agreement.

Finally, Keimpema sees enough reason in the results of the provincial council elections, which were convincingly won by newcomer BBB, to wait for the new provincial councils first. Until then, she does not want to commit herself to ‘a hopeless diktat from The Hague, oppressive preconditions and unattainable goals’.

It remains to be seen whether other organizations will follow DDB’s example. Adema hopes to present an agricultural agreement next month. It should state how the future of the agricultural sector in the Netherlands remains with sustainable and profitable companies.

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