According the report demand for sexed semen had risen by 7% in the 12months to March 2022.
Sales were highest for Holsteins, where sexed semen made up 76% of all dairy purchases, followed by Jerseys at 71% and averaged 50% for other breeds.
Marco Winters, AHDB head of animal genetics, said the figures reflected the higher confidence farmers had when choosing sexed semen.
“Sales have risen almost five fold since 2017 when they made up just 17.9% of the total and I can only see this trend continuing.”
The survey also showed beef semen sales to the dairy herd had risen to 48% – up from 45.3% of total sales in 2021.
“We’re seeing a similar knock-on effect on sales of beef semen, as fewer replacements are needed so more cows are being served for beef,” Mr Winters added.
“Sexed semen is a great option for farmers looking to breed replacements from their best females and lift overall herd performance and profitability.”