One of the core strengths of the industry is the ability for the whole supply chain to work together.
The dairy plan aims to be a driving force that rallies the industry to set a clear vision and purpose for the next five years and beyond.

There is no doubt the industry has come up against challenges over a number of years – rising production costs, price competition in domestic and international markets, tough seasons and market volatility.
To work through this, there is a clear need for the industry to work together and create a positive future for dairy.
The Australian Dairy Industry Council’s (ADIC) 2018 Industry Leaders’ Breakfast, on November 30 in Melbourne saw the launch of the Australian Dairy Plan.
The dairy plan aims to be a driving force that rallies the industry to set a clear vision and purpose for the next five years and beyond.
ADIC chair Terry Richardson announced at the breakfast, that the whole-of-industry plan would be developed to drive the direction of the industry.
Farmers, processors and the broader dairy community will have an opportunity to have their say in dairy’s future through a nationwide consultation process. “The industry needs to be strong and united, with farmers, processors and broader industry working together,” Mr Richardson said.
“By speaking as one, the dairy industry will be stronger and more confident.”
Mr Richardson announced the launch of the Australian Dairy Plan on behalf of the ADIC, Australian Dairy Farmers, Australian Dairy Products Federation, Dairy Australia and the Gardiner Foundation.
At Dairy Australia’s annual general meeting following the launch, chair Jeff Odgers said the plan positioned the various parts of dairy to operate within an overarching whole-of-industry strategy, with a renewed sense of purpose and agreed direction.
Australian Dairy Products Federation president Grant Crothers supported Mr Odgers’s comments and further highlighted the importance of the whole industry joining forces to define its future.
“One of the core strengths of the dairy industry is the ability for the whole supply chain to work together,” Mr Crothers said.
Everyone is encouraged to participate and be part of the conversation during consultations that will be held across Australia, starting in autumn 2019.
Gardiner Foundation chair Dr Bruce Kefford said: “We agree it is now time for broad participation in setting the future direction, and we see enormous value in a single industry plan that provides guidance for all.”
Keep informed about the Australian Dairy Plan and consultation by visiting

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