Danone S.A. ’s stock price passed above its two hundred day moving average during trading on Monday . The stock has a two hundred day moving average of €63.38 ($66.02) and traded as high as €65.24 ($67.96). Danone shares last traded at €65.02 ($67.73), with a volume of 1,450,750 shares.
Danone Trading Up 0.6 %
The business’s 50 day simple moving average is €64.74 and its 200 day simple moving average is €63.38.
About Danone
Danone SA operates in the food and beverage industry in Europe, Ukraine, North America, China, North Asia, the Oceania, Latin America, rest of Asia, Africa, Turkey, the Middle East, and the Commonwealth of Independent States. The company operates through Essential Dairy & Plant-Based, Specialized Nutrition, and Waters segments.