**Farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners who experienced discrimination in USDA farm lending programs before January 2021 may be eligible for Discrimination Financial Assistance.
It’s a new program and an important step in delivering financial assistance to those who’ve faced discrimination in USDA farm lending programs.
All applications received or postmarked before the January 13 deadline will be considered.
**The National Milk Producers Federation applauded the House of Representatives for passing the Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act, expanding the variety of healthy milk options schools can serve.
The act will allow kids to get access to protein, calcium, and vitamins at important times in their development.
**Senators Jon Tester of Montana and Mike Rounds of South Dakota will file a resolution that would overturn the decision to lift a long-standing ban on beef imports from Paraguay.
Both believe the decision was wrong and that resuming imports from a country with a recent history of foot and mouth disease is bad news for consumers and producers.
USDA’s decision relies on an analysis done in 2018, and American inspectors haven’t been in Paraguay since 2014.