The argument for a milk price rise to be announced by all Co-ops when they set May milk price is irresistible, the Chairperson of ICMSA’s Dairy Committee Ger Quain has said.
Young Tim Brennan from Dungarvan , Co Kilkenny seen here with his dog bringing the130 cows in for the milking. Photo: Roger Jones.

He said the rise in the latest Ornua PPI to a level that now translates to a price of 32.1 cpl and that the momentum for a farmer price rise for milk supplied last month was now “irresistible” .
“It is impossible for any Co-op or processor to go on spinning the line about uncertainty in the markets and indecision when farmers could see that the Co-ops themselves were receiving rises in their prices as was demonstrated in this PPI.
“Farmer-suppliers will not want to hear any more about uncertainty and indecision holding back prices from Co-ops that are themselves receiving better prices as shown, conclusively, in this latest Ornua PPI. Why should this supposed indecision just affect farmer prices alone? It’s nonsense and as far as ICMSA is concerned the argument for a price rise to be announced by all Co-ops when they set May milk price is irresistible”, said the Dairy Committee Chairperson.
Domestic milk intake by creameries and pasteurisers was estimated at 946.7 million litres for April 2019, according to the CSO.
This was 15pc above the corresponding 2018 figure.
Milk production is on target to top eight billion litres this year, with deliveries to some processors up 12-13pc in the first quarter compared to 2018.
However, a number of processors cautioned that the supply growth seen in the first quarter might not be sustained through the year as milk output between January and March in 2018 was badly affected by poor spring weather and Storm Emma.

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