Dairy farmers are encouraged to attend DairyNZ’s annual general meeting (AGM) in Ashburton, where 2019/20 key projects, investment highlights and financial results will be discussed.

The AGM will also provide a final opportunity to vote on DairyNZ board candidates and a number of resolutions. This year, the AGM will also be live streamed for the first time, enabling farmers nationwide to tune in online to the discussions.

DairyNZ chair Jim van der Poel says the AGM on Wednesday, October 21, provides a great opportunity for dairy farmers to hear about DairyNZ’s key achievements from 2019/2020 and priorities for the next year. Dairy farmers can also ask questions of their levy organisation.

“It has been another big year for the dairy sector, with Covid-19 creating a number of challenges while continuing to work in an already complex environment. The AGM provides a good time to reflect on all the activities undertaken this past year, while looking forward to our future priorities for the upcoming season,” said Mr van der Poel.

“The year saw some big projects underway including flexible milking research, a large-scale cow fertility trial, and DairyNZ advocating throughout the freshwater reforms, including providing a submission which helped achieve some significant policy changes for our farmers.”

The AGM is being held at 6.30pm on Wednesday, October 21, at Hotel Ashburton, Allenton. Canapes and drinks will be available. All DairyNZ levy payers are invited to attend this event. A link to livestream the AGM will also be made available to farmers before the event.

Voting closes soon for DairyNZ board

Dairy farmers are being invited to have their say on who will join DairyNZ’s Board of Directors. Three candidates have been nominated for two positions on the board this year: Colin Glass, Cole Groves and Jim van der Poel.

A DairyNZ vote pack has been sent to all levy paying dairy farmers. Internet and postal votes must be received by 12noon Tuesday, October 20. Farmers are encouraged to vote online or by post before October 15, to ensure they are received on time.

For voting queries, contact the election helpline phone 0800 666 946 or email iro@electionz.com.

For more information and a copy of DairyNZ’s 2019/20 Annual Report visit dairynz.co.nz/agm.

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