Fonterra Co-operative Group has today reduced its 2023/24 season forecast Farmgate Milk Price range from $6.25 – $7.75 per kgMS, with a midpoint of $7.00 per kgMS, to $6.00 – $7.50 per kgMS with a midpoint of $6.75 per kgMS.
Fonterra CEO Miles Hurrell says Global Dairy Trade (GDT) prices have continued to fall since it revised its Farmgate Milk Price earlier this month, requiring the Co-op to reduce its midpoint by a further 25 cents.
“While our wide forecast range assumed movement in GDT prices, whole milk powder prices fell 10.9% in the most recent trading event requiring us to revise our position again.
“Reduced demand from key importing regions for whole milk powder is continuing to weigh on prices. While indications are demand will start to return over the second half of FY24, we do expect the pace of demand growth to be subdued relative to initial expectations.
“This is a challenging time for New Zealand’s dairy farmers and the Co-op is doing all it can to support its farmers,” says Mr Hurrell.