In order to contribute to this, it is essential to plan and implement animal health strategies that contemplate the care of cattle at all stages of dairy production. This includes constant monitoring by veterinary professionals, together with the implementation of actions that promote animal well-being, such as an adequate environment in dairy farms, proper feeding and even technical advisory by experts.
When dairy cattle are healthy, well fed and have a comfortable environment, their risk of catching a disease is much lower, allowing animals to produce more and higher quality milk.
This means that safeguarding healthy animals benefits to maintain and improve productivity, which collaborates with producing high quality, nutritious and safe food. This is strongly linked to the One Health concept established by OMSA, that states that human health and animal health are interdependent, as well as that of the ecosystem in which they live. The health of the animals that produce milk is a key factor; without it, the chain is broken, and people would be deprived of this important food.