The new, official U.S. genetic evaluations will be arriving one week later than expected. This change unfolded after the April 5 release of genetic data. The issue impacts the Holstein breed; no other breed was affected.

Given the situation, Hoard’s Dairyman will adjust our publishing schedule to deliver the updated and accurate genetic evaluations in the April 25, 2022, edition.

“The decision to re-issue the Holstein evaluations was made by the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) board of directors,” stated the principles for the CDCB, Holstein Association USA (HAUSA), and the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB) in a joint press release issued the evening of April 7. “Publication on April 12 allows coordination with the next weekly genomic files and a series of cross-checks for accuracy. Our top priority is to provide accurate information, and we have already begun implementation of the necessary steps to re-issue the genetic evaluations with confidence and integrity.”

What took place?

“Data from the December 2021 genetic evaluations for conformation traits on females were mistakenly loaded onto the Holstein Association USA (HAUSA) database and sent to the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB),” stated the press release. “This error significantly affects the Predicted Transmitting Abilities (PTAs) of recently classified cows, the genomic evaluations of bulls adding a large number of newly classified daughters, as well as their descendants.”

• PTA type

• Linear type traits

• Overall type composites such as udder, feet and legs, and body size

• Feed saved

• Net Merit $

• Cheese Merit $

• Fluid Merit $

• Grazing Merit $

• TPI (Total Performance Index)

“We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that this causes and the subsequent delay in completing the April 2022 genetic update,” continued CDCB, HAUSA, and NAAB. “Be assured we will work collaboratively with all data partners to understand how this misstep occurred and implement controls and processes that continue to guarantee data accuracy of the U.S. genetic evaluation system.”

To read the entire release, go to “Reissue of April 2022 Holstein Genetic Information.

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