“This programme is very exciting and is geared at delivering many positive outcomes for farmers, the environment and New Zealand’s economy.”
Modelling by DairyNZ forecasts a potential reduction of 15,000 tonnes per year of nitrate-nitrogen leached on 4200 New Zealand dairy farms in nitrogen-sensitive catchments per year by 2035. That is a 37 percent reduction from current levels.
“The benefits are obviously enormous for the environment,” Whaitiri said. “This programme is expected to demonstrate plantain’s efficiency at scale so farmers have the confidence they need to invest in pasture and practice change.”
Plantain use is expected to save farmers more than $1 billion per decade, when compared to other high-cost solutions.
The programme will focus on proving plantain’s effectiveness at reducing nitrate leaching, investigating regional effects and protecting the supply chain.
It will include large-scale farm systems experiments at Lincoln and Massey Universities. If proven successful, the industry partners will work with farmers to help them adopt plantain as an animal feed on their farms.
Since the Sustainable Food & Fibre Futures fund was set up in October 2018, the Ministry has approved 138 projects and invested $111m, with a further $138m of investment from industry and community groups.
The fund invests in projects and businesses the Ministry expects to deliver long-term environmental, social, economic, and cultural benefits. The plantain programme is one of its largest investments so far.