The record for most lifetime milk produced by a registered Holstein cow has been broken once again in 2023. This time by Nor-Bert Colby Connie, a 14-year-old Holstein owned by Nor-Bert Farm in Bremen, Indiana.
Connie has equally impressive numbers for components, with a lifetime record of 27,062 pounds of fat and 17,737 pounds of protein through her last completed lactation. (Canva)

The record for most lifetime milk produced by a registered Holstein cow has been broken once again in 2023. This time by Nor-Bert Colby Connie, a 14-year-old Holstein owned by Nor-Bert Farm in Bremen, Indiana.

Connie achieved this incredible feat with her lifetime milk production record of 486,300 pounds through her latest completed lactation, surpassing the previous record holder’s, Chrome-View Charles 3044, 478,200 pounds of lifetime milk.

Connie has equally impressive numbers for components, with a lifetime record of 27,062 pounds of fat and 17,737 pounds of protein through her last completed lactation. These tremendous fat and protein totals are currently the highest lifetime totals for fat and protein in the Holstein Association USA database. Chrome-View Charles 3044’s components stood at 14,447 pounds of fat, and 12,576 pounds of protein.

According to Holstein USA, Nor-Bert Colby Connie’s 486,300 lifetime milk production record total is equivalent to:

Her lifetime milk production total would also feed 10 people for over 80 years if each person had the daily requirement of 3 servings of milk per day. Connie could also provide the daily dairy requirements for 301,581 people for one day.

Connie is owned by Nor-Bert Farm in Bremen, Indiana. Roger and Deb Dankert farm alongside their son Jeremy Dankert and daughter and son-in-law Jennifer and Monty Freeman. Jennifer and Monty also have three children, Dalton, Dillon and Breanne, who are involved in the multigenerational farm.

The team at Nor-Bert Farm says Connie is a low maintenance-cow, who prefers being alone and doing her thing – making lots of high-quality milk. With a classification score of Excellent 94 3E, Connie is easy to pick out in the barn.

“She has open ribs, a big frame, and impressive width, with a really good udder on her,” Jeremy shares. He believes these physical traits, along with good feet and legs, have also had a positive impact on Connie’s ability to produce so much milk.

Connie continues to add to her record total, as the family states that she has recently calved again.

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