This Post will cover the trends in sales of fluid (drinking) milk in the U.S.

Fluid milk sales have been declining at about two percent annually prior to 2020.  In 2020, there was a significant increase in milk consumption as eating habits were formed around the “Stay at Home” mandates implemented with COVID.  In 2021, sales are again falling into the long-term declining trends.  Most of the data in this post is based on 12-month averages to reduce short-term fluctuations and better define long-term trends.

AVvXsEhndKqUmq2tKrjy1BL0QFBd5Y0LbyEKp54qg4G2kn 21 nOJMJ4YWeoaMEoPXICzd1G1i24G0e6LJq4HuW237rC4F41NSFD3WeWaSSLx1HC4wyVf zCmFWjQIWX2mtCJSm9PeEQV qwhW1tXqMTbfxe PjFDsJ5I7bZTuYMIahjPV qf g22OBE8r5J=w400 h291
Chart I – Total Fluid Milk Sales

Chart II below expresses the annual changes as a percent.  As mentioned above, prior to COVID, fluid milk sales were averaging around a two percent annual decline.   In 2020 the decline slowed to near “0” and two months in 2020 even provided positive increases.  However, by 2021, a significant decline began again. While the decline is currently averaging around four percent annually, some of that can be attributed to the inflated numbers from the prior year.

AVvXsEgo2FItggg3nPGzIHpa93k93tqmmqSNOhjXpIj 8CUUS6gioHoYC2HLVYRAs9lz9jz5mvFYO KWdn4Wk5ANgTxF2PQSUQOkw1ZjFmsbICBEQfbmS aoGS5NoAcfJFaKqkPlltKMBBRkrgr4qkK7WVAdvuuliPCUQ25cBjzoSn1Qp6DnG5gIaWjvQnGb=w400 h291
Chart II – Milk Sales – Percent change from Prior year

As of October 2021, the pie chart below illustrates the split between whole milk, two percent fat milk, one percent fat milk, and fat free milk.  Whole milk and two percent fat milk are nearly the same size.  One percent fat and fat free milk are much smaller and declining faster.

AVvXsEhFBQVb7qkFiskwD8e0oDWzbL9sn tBk3JXiF58rv3RH9uL8RTbi4BurLgEp0oC2x5foegFtP3bxRUURTaKUFP3VM4BNwGPlmxiZuQZ7QcTrCqx3CIFpq derEgeLo1h zKXe3o8exodBlbOfmZUB4Ur4ucD Ns6vQflWI7eMHiHY81pmQlHJ7FZiak=w400 h291
Chart III – Current Milk Sales by Type of Milk

In the April 25, 2021 post to this blog entitled “The Amazing Success of Organic Milk,” organic milk showed significant growth.  During the pandemic, the growth increased to new record highs, reaching a 12 percent increase over the prior year based on the 12-month average data.  It has recently started declining in 2021, but not as fast as conventional milk.

AVvXsEhCQx5ZXu10pKwvL wiIYDWqzessiKjff8TFml pzwOMIei0DULjLVCNReafxR2aaSiPESLgRo1SXcsHfRRmlmJZc mPMlHUubxv9gu3U ypbBb28oI9YVjTAbFH9NHyqMHrP9ZypAu6 QIg8vg4p8vtPH5ulOGbt o0eRgIyfmJTRpylhnsqIVPtNl=w400 h291
Chart V – Conventional and Organic Milk Sales

Charts VI through IX show the growth by type of milk.  The charts for whole milk and two percent milk show the 2020 growth during the pandemic followed by a steep decline in 2021.  However, there is one big difference.  Whole milk, Chart VI, had been increasing in volume prior to the pandemic, but it is now falling below pre pandemic levels.  Two percent milk, Chart VII, appears to have returned to the pre pandemic declining levels.

AVvXsEidtbrYC1Vn4eqKePzRzbTi3gJgOqnsGSLZUbWLwe3J5b bxTOZOwU5BLOJQDwlUf wuwqslkco2Bp7N0LP80dthPCp9uKyP XY csuFKXJnKLRzi5 gILC8yCxwN7B595yuLvcQaMzm9FlrPg8ceclMgjvsFIPT PzpUpIB9CaiSHfV MUjcDLBpg=w400 h291
Chart VI – Whole Milk Sales
AVvXsEjsdkjHwpAWcx4CJaHfq73nk5f7GJfC9axWvJ13owEB4UMTmoEZcDLR7g56fJOYpx75eVECi13ZPxaRRxxS EsNnvwcJNny Xbr3m6rqot6ZN9fmzEhsGzqZPVcRSI57qNkLCgmsYI9rag1Cbqb mNJA4zhU3bfR23cX52pRZWeh amJtxYcriUH2RS=w400 h291
Chart VII – Two Percent Fat Milk Sales
One percent fat milk, Chart VIII, and fat free milk, Chart IX, show very little impact from the COVID pandemic.  Both continued their declines.  One percent milk is continuing a decline of nearly five percent annually and fat free milk is continuing at a near 10 percent annual decline.
AVvXsEjCn1MwGiPw5cLtNduUFMtOISC lQ3EDaMaycac1SSF6H1Uyj4iNjiPe4L9me9azuF897qMXjCgbu tj8uhIiQM2DbHtWfcFEo0etlAIz82I8PZXItfNchzrbop 0qNChQEurPZWvnrfAmvht9KYSsuvSLvF8Njb0vQQd2qQV QB9IlRALaqXO16qcT=w400 h291
Chart VIII – One Percent Fat Milk Sales
AVvXsEjy0pcWXhVzgIF2iOVkZZ6cqjkgvC6dU cISpIvzvvg0RO3Fl0ek7nPnX9DO6wTO0fA9mDGNWrrXsDlOCOcNISl50J 8VkyQZfAfAc3jRbdn sC rwEh3RwrYoKbaMwHuNt4mf Qzt6I0U1QKn 5nvFMJ4hRnZm5cK8tq6yHGJ7mvOuP8noGIQDT2Q5=w400 h291
Char IX – Fat Free Milk Sales


Many people have been strongly wishing for a return to normal following COVID.  It appears that this is happening with fluid milk products.  The deep declines in 2021 are partially compensating for the increases in 2020.  The long-term trends of a two percent annual decline appear to be holding, with one percent and fat free milk taking major reductions.
What will 2022 bring?  It appears that the percent declines in 2022 may be bigger than two percent as the impact of COVID mandates continue to decrease.

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