Somerset County dairy farmers can rest assured their product has been promoted through inventive ways by their dairy princess, even in the midst of a pandemic.
From left, Abby Shuck, 2020-2021 Somerset County Dairy Princess and Kaitlyn Stoltzfus at the Coronation Ceremony held in May, where Stotlzfus was crowed the new princess and will be taking over the duty in June 2021. Submitted Photo

In the past year, COVID-19 has led to restraints on almost everything, including dairy promotion. But Somerset County dairy farmers can rest assured their product has been promoted through inventive ways by their dairy princess, even in the midst of a pandemic.

Abby Shuck held the title of Somerset County Dairy Princess for the past year. She was named one of the top seven finalists, and received runner-up presentation and honorable mention (top five) with her scrapbook and speech at the Pennsylvania Dairy Princess Pageant.

She is the daughter of Dale and Tanya Shuck of Garrett. Her reign ended May 31.

Abby Shuck gives her farewell speech at the Dairy Princess Coronation.
Abby Shuck gives her farewell speech at the Dairy Princess Coronation. Jackie Caughenour

Being too busy to do a final tally just yet, Shuck estimates that she presented nearly 125 dairy promotions during the past year.

“But I think we were able to reach out, one on one, to many consumers along with help from producers to get the word out about dairy products. Also, I met a lot of new people and made many new friends this year.”

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