New research indicates Trulacta® bolsters Natural Killer (NK) cell activity in the presence of a health threat

Adventa Bioscience® today announced the results of new laboratory research on flagship product Trulacta®, the world’s first and only supplement made entirely of human milk. The study evaluated the impact of Human Milk BionutrientsTM (HMBsTM) treatment in human-derived PBMC’s against K562 cells, a commonly used immortalized leukemia cell line.

The experiment utilized flow cytometry, which has the ability to measure and quantify individual cells. In these experiments, human milk bionutrients were added to PMBC’s in the presence of K562 and treated for 48-hours. Results showed nearly complete eradication of K562 cells, with little to no off-target toxicity towards other cells present in the experiment.

“The data gathered from this new research is especially promising,” said Christopher Tracy, Co-Founder and CEO of Adventa Bioscience. “We have seen throughout the course of mankind the application of human milk in treating a variety of adult conditions impacting the digestive and immune systems. We are now learning that these same bionutrients can aid in terminating K562 cells without damaging healthy cells. This is nothing short of incredible.”

Trulacta is composed entirely of thousands of beneficial components found in human milk, all of which are essential for health and wellbeing. The supplement’s HMBs include Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO), Growth Factors, Immunoglobulins, Macrophages and Stem Cells, as well as other enzymes and peptides critical to optimizing whole-body health. Together these rich compounds have shown to aid in the development of the immune system, protect from autoimmune disease, actively fight bacteria and allow the body to maintain and restore itself.

Adventa is moving forward with additional studies on immunity and will be applying for a RO1 grant to further explore how Trulacta supports the immune system. The company has begun onboarding participants for a human clinical trial to prove the beneficial effects Trulacta has on the GI system. Additionally, Adventa is awaiting approval on a grant from the NIH to further investigate the health benefits of the supplement and expects to hear back from the NIH later this year. The company is also working with the University of Wisconsin to establish a research partnership to explore all the benefits human milk has to offer.

Adventa Bioscience is an innovative biotech firm dedicated to realizing the full potential of human milk. Adventa’s groundbreaking patented research has led to major breakthroughs in health and wellness. The company’s flagship product Trulacta is the world’s first supplement for adults entirely composed of Human Milk Bionutrients (HMB’s), the rich multitude of beneficial nutrients contained in human milk. Adventa is devoted to furthering research and changing lives by developing a series of products to harness the power of human milk, while remaining fully committed to sustainability practices. The company is headquartered in Lodi, Wisconsin and was founded in November 2020.

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