Local dairy farmers and elected officials are stressing the importance of our local dairy farms.
They were at the Utica Zoo yesterday for “National Ice Cream Month” to discuss it.
According to the International Dairy Foods Association ice cream companies help support the U.S. economy, contributing more than $13 billion to the national economy, as well as supporting nearly 29,000 jobs.
More from the U.S. Department of Agriculture
“According to the 1935 Census of Agriculture, there were 6.8 million farms on 1.05 billion acres with an average size of 155 acres on January 1, 1935, just 2 years before the establishment of what is now National Dairy Month. In 1934, 24.6 million milking cows on 5.2 million farms produced 10.7 billion gallons of milk. That’s 84 gallons a year or 1.6 gallons each week for each of the 126.4 million people in the United States. If each of the cows were milked every day, each would have produced about 433.9 gallons per year or about 1.2 gallons per cow each day.
According to the International Dairy Foods Association, National Dairy Month started out as National Milk Month in 1937 as a way to promote drinking milk. It was initially created to stabilize the dairy demand when production was at a surplus.”