Does anyone remember World Dairy Expo running through Sunday? I do and the complaints were even louder, especially because so few people attended. The Saturday ending came years ago and city folks didn’t attend even then. (When will we ever learn that city folks seldom attend farm-centered events?)
I did stop for a dish of ice cream again provided by GEA and served by local FFA students and of course, it was great as always. I also remember the early days of the ice cream stand: BouMatic was the sponsor and the price was 25 cents. The price today was $3.00 a dish. Fortunately, there always seem to be free GEA tickets floating around. In any case, it is a great stop for the Expo Center walkers.
I am a bit concerned about the future of World Dairy Expo in Madison. It seems that some Dane County officials see the future as having a hotel, restaurants, apartments and other business construction on the site in order to draw more convention/business meetings. Bad idea! Parking is a problem every year for World Dairy Expo, Midwest Horse Fair and a host of other ag-related events. Cows and commercial businesses often don’t get along. Worst of all, converting the dairy atmosphere into a commercial business park during World Dairy Expo would change the entire event for the worse.
I suspect the biggest of World Dairy Expo’s worries will center on the potential decline in visitor numbers as farm numbers shrink.
We hope for another 55 years of World Dairy Expo.
John Oncken is at