One South Georgia farmer is looking forward to the reward of being a full-time farmer.
Walmart’s new dairy facility will provide high-quality milk throughout Georgia and neighboring states, using some of our locally owned and grown cows, while increasing Georgia’s number one industry: agriculture.
“People think that food comes from a store, and it doesn’t. It comes from people like me, or farmers, the dairy farmers that around here. They get up every morning, they milk their cows twice a day, you can’t never leave because a cow has to eat twice a day so you’re constantly working.” Farmer Steve Hendley said.
Farming is tough work, but it’s very rewarding. According to Hendley, most people don’t understand the process of what goes into creating food. But he hopes that the addition of this new plant, it will help shed a light on the agricultural industry.
The black and white cows are called Holstein Heifer. They’re normally the type of cow that you’ll see on a dairy farm.
“All they see is a carton of milk and they pour the milk, and they drink the milk with their cereal, but they don’t really know that it came from a cow, and somebody had to get up in the morning and milk that cow, feed that cow, then take the milk and make sure it got to the processing plant before it was spoiled,” Hendley said.
“Georgia is home to the finest dairy farmers in the country. Our farm families work hard every day to produce high-quality milk for schools and grocery stores across the Southeastern United States. This announcement is a reflection of the strength of Georgia’s dairy sector and the tremendous job our farmers are doing,” Executive Director of Georgia Milk Producers Bryce Trotter said
South Georgia Farmers believe the cost of milk will decrease as the plant will purchase the milk products from the farmers and then process them.